



The Catholic Church has Seven Sacraments. The first three sacraments, Baptism, Confirmation, & Holy Eucharist, are Sacraments of initiation to introduce a new convert into the Catholic Church and the seven sacraments. The Sacrament of Baptism gives birth to the Christian's life of faith. The Sacrament of Confirmation strengthens him. In the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, the faithful receive food for eternal life. 

La Iglesia Católica tiene Siete Sacramentos. Los primeros tres sacramentos, Bautismo, Confirmación y Sagrada Eucaristía son sacramentos de iniciación para introducir a un nuevo converso en la Iglesia Católica y los siete sacramentos. El sacramento del Bautismo da origen a la vida de fe del cristiano. El Sacramento de la Confirmación lo fortalece. En el Sacramento de la Sagrada Eucaristía, los fieles reciben alimento para la vida eterna.

Baptism Forms:

Please print these, fill them out, and turn them into the main parish office during regular hours Monday-Wednesday 9 am-1 pm & Thursday, 9 am-12 noon (Closed Fridays). 

Baptism Forms-English

Baptism Forms-Spanish


Sacramental Record Request Form

Baptism Calendar Dates 2025

*It is the policy of our parish Holy Innocents Catholic Church that any person requesting their Sacramental certificate re-print must provide a valid California I.D. to pick up a record. We are responding to individual’s privacy issues and a need to help curb identity theft problems.

To register or for more information, you may contact the Parish Office at 760-955-3010

Pre-Baptism Class Via Zoom: Cost: $35 per person (due when you enroll for the class). *We will email the link and password once you register and pay for the Zoom class.

(Cash or Check Payable to Holy Innocents)

Zoom Calendar Dates

Para registración o más informes comuníquese con la oficina paroquial al número: 760-955-3010

Clase pre-bautismal a través de Zoom: $35 por persona (se paga el día que se registre para la clase) *El elance de Zoom para la session pre-bautismal se les enviara por correo-electronico una vez se hallan registrado y hallamos recibido el costo de la clase.

(Cheque al nombre de Holy Innocents o efectivo)