Children's Liturgy
The Bible tells us that we are to train up our children in the ways of God. One important way to do this is through the liturgy, the "work of the church," the Mass. Unfortunately, many children have a hard time with Adult Liturgy. As such, for a brief time during the 10:00 & 12:00 Masses, Children's Liturgy is offered outside of the Sanctuary. This liturgy is "child friendly" and seeks to provide an overview of the Mass that is interactive --- involving the child in the process of worship through song, teaching, discussion, and participation. This is intended to help families come together to hear and understand the Scriptures at their own level of understanding. Please feel free to allow your age-appropriate child the opportunity for Children's Liturgy.
Please Contact:
Dott Flagg (10am) (760) 244-6800 - English
Teresa Gonzales (12pm) Alma Medina (5pm) - Spanish