Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus are a Catholic, Family, Fraternal, Service organization. Our principals are Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. With a special emphasis on Charity.
The Knights got their beginning in New Haven Conn. In the year 1882. Started by a parish priest by the name of Michael J McGivney. He formed the Knights for three basic reasons. To help fight bigotry against Catholics, to help Catholic men hold onto their faith and to help keep the family together should the breadwinner die prematurely. This is done through the insurance company started by the Knights of Columbus.
From these humble beginnings started with roughly ten men, the Knights of Columbus has grown to nearly two million men worldwide. They do charitable work at the parish level, at the national level and at the international level. They also assist the Pope in many of his own personal charitable givings.
As to the parish level, here at Holy Innocents Church, we hold many fund raising events. These funds go to the many charitable causes our council supports. We are involved in sponsoring many local athletic teams, as well as assisting individuals that need financial help. It could be a young person seeking to advance their understanding of God, or a seminarian who needs both moral and financial support. We also give to the local Special Olympics and a group dedicated to helping people with mental disabilities called the Blue Jay Squares that teach square dancing to these individuals. While we do give a certain percentage of all our event profits to the parish, we bring more of a sense of community to our church congregation by holding these events. Which is just as important.
To become a member, you need to be a man, eighteen or older. The Knights are dedicated to the family. After all, we were formed to help widows and orphans. Please contact Al Dominguez.