

Ministry of Lectors

The Lector's task is to reveal God's presence in the liturgy of the Living Word for our parish community of Holy Innocents.  Those participating in the Lector Ministry are called to proclaim the Word of God at all Masses offered on Saturdays, Sundays, Holy Days, weekdays, and other special services throughout the church year.  At Masses without a Deacon, the Lector also offers the Prayers of the Faithful.

Any baptized Catholic who attends Mass weekly, is living according to the moral teachings of the faith, and possesses the necessary public speaking ability, may serve in the Ministry of Lector.  The Lector Ministry is centered on proclaiming God's Word as a living revelation and guide for His people.  A Lector should have a genuine love of God's Word, embracing the Scriptures as part of their daily life.

New Lectors receive a training session to review current guidelines and procedures and to receive guidance in their public speaking before serving at their first Mass.  Once serving, Lectors are provided with a workbook to help them understand the readings. For further information regarding the Lector Ministry at Holy Innocents, please contact the Lector Coordinator, Dorothy Garcia at (760) 955-6010 x204.


Los primeros Cristianos se reunión para escuchar la palabra de Dios, (Hechos 2,42)   Y desde el principio ha habido personas encargadas de proclamarla.

El servicio del Lector es la proclamación de la palabra de Dios a los fieles para que fortalecidos por la Sagrada Escritura puedan llegar a vivir profundamente el amor de Dios y una vida cristiana plena.

El ministerio de lectores esta llamado a una relación intima con Dios específicamente  a  través  de las sagradas Escrituras, atraer hacia ella, a las familias y luego a la comunidad en general.

El grupo de lectores tiene dos reuniones cada mes donde se estudian las lecturas a proclamar  en las celebraciones Eucarísticas siguientes y se toman acuerdos para otras actividades.Servir a Dios en la proclamación de su palabra es un privilegio que fortalece nuestra fe. Si sientes el llamado para servir a Dios a través del ministerio de lectores te invitamos a llamar a la oficina parroquial  para mas información o Hermelinda Valdez o Juana Marquez.